13 thoughts on “THE 13TH STEP to SCREEN AT THE RICHMOND INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Friday March 3rd, 2017 @2:30 pm

  1. KEVIN – yes it is up to AA to stop Pilots, Nurses and Doctors being forced there for years. They are also forced to believe in the ideology. This is outrageous.


  2. The link at the end of your film Stop13thStepinAA.com does not work. I am sure you are aware of this…and its very disappointing to produce a film and have that message at the end insinuating in some way you are offering help or support in someway to victims of 13th stepping and then have an invalid link…very disappointing.


  3. @ Kevin

    AA is in bed with all our courts. In the 12 & 12 it says you welcome sexual deviants. But you dont warn the current members or the public so you ?


    1. AA is in bed with the courts? Really? AA in no way allows or takes part in what the courts do. We have no say in what a city or state run organization says or does. Each AA group is run by anonymous members from its own area and is “governed” by the same. No one from the outside even has contact with the groups.
      Also, where in the AA literature does it say that we welcome sexual deviants? I have never personally read that. I would like to be enlightened.


      1. Yes AA is and has been involved for a long time . Judges and Lawyers who are in AA – have a skewed view of the system.
        SUre you and AA do. AA has a huge highly organized General Service Structure. From GSR to area or district to Region. From NY AA GSO where 91 Delegates gather Annually in NYC in April for a conference to discuss all this. You are naive about AA.

        Many AA members are NOT anonymous and Many TV shows blatantly promote AA like CBS show called MOM – one big commercial. But on the topic of AA and its involvement with the Judicial system Jeanne Woodford was an AA Board Member when she was The Head of the entire Penal system and Prisons of the ENTIRE State of California .

        Yes AA has literature and area meetings that go after getting more members through the Jails and Prison .
        All DUI offenders get sent to AA unless they know their rights and protest and fight it . Still they may be told to shut up and go. I have witnessed this in courtrooms. The NY AA Office send treasurers letters asking for money and donations once they have your info.

        Read the 12 and `12. it’s in there. GO to a 12 & 12 book study …after a few chapters you will read it . IM tired of all these questions. Go study your cult literature from 1939. OR listen to the Blog Talk radio shows where I tear up AA literature. SAFE RECOVERY on Blog Talk Radio.


      2. As somebody who earlier said that you love intelligent debate, I’m a little surprised that you are now saying you are tired of questions. I am not a big study of the 12 and 12 as it is not where the program of action that removes a person from alcoholism is contained. However, I would look forward to you giving me some page numbers where any of the founding members wrote about AA getting involved in the court system. As a matter of fact, AA should remain forever non-professional is a leading tenet of the traditions.
        Also, a Hollywood TV show that revolves around a mother and daughter in recovery from alcoholism has nothing to do with Alcoholics Anonymous.

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      3. As somebody who earlier said that you love intelligent debate, I’m a little surprised that you are now saying you are tired of questions.

        Its been since 2009 Im explaining this to you guys .

        However, I would look forward to you giving me some page numbers ( Sure — later Ill get it to you ) where any of the founding members wrote about AA getting involved in the court system.

        ——-They got into San Quinten in 1944. Drug Court began in 1989.

        GO TO AA.org and search for Courts and Prison work

        As a matter of fact, AA should remain forever non-professional is a leading tenet of the traditions.

        You are sadly very brainwashed by having the Preamble read to you like a child at every meeting. Listen to my radio show . There is an episode I address this how much of the preamble is a lie.
        Also, a Hollywood TV show that revolves around a mother and daughter in recovery from alcoholism has nothing to do with Alcoholics Anonymous.

        YES YES it does when they are always in an AA meeting. Why not have her go to Smart Recovery meeting or SOS or WFS. Have you heard of these other free programs. Free Support groups ?


  4. I recently watched the documentary film. I couldn’t believe what I was watching. It was very upsetting to hear about the incidences that occurred in some AA meetings that were horrific. However, to say that alcoholics anonymous is responsible for what is happening is absolutely ridiculous! If the court system is sending people that are sex offenders to Alcoholics Anonymous rather than to an appropriate psychiatric program to get treatment for their illness, how is alcoholics anonymous responsible? In its name, the word anonymous is used. Each group is autonomous and is separate from the overall fellowship. There is really no governing body. There is an Intergroup and a world service organization which handle many services, however, they do not govern the groups. They do not oversee in anyway whatsoever, any of the groups in Alcoholics Anonymous. To say that they can make changes and continue to operate as an anonymous program cannot happen. The woman who directed and oversaw the documentary might want to look into going after the court system. Also, the claims that were made by the psychiatrists and other professionals were outright preposterous. Alcoholics Anonymous does not in anyway claim to be the only way to get sober. Also, although the book was written at a time where Christianity was a prevalent religious organization, The book is written to be more spiritual than in anyway religious. People who have a problem with God can just use a belief that something in the universe is more powerful than them. Several of the professionals pointed out that there are people who are not religious and will not be able get sober in AA because of this. This documentary was very successful at a one-sided, very slanted opinion against Alcoholics Anonymous. I welcome constructive conversations.

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    1. Thanks for stopping by and writing your thoughts. AA is nothing like anything else in there world. Courts and rehabs and even the FAA forced people there against their will.

      AA is indeed religious /spiritual – whatever you say our courts – some 25 federal courts have DEEMED it Highly Religious. Not Monica Richardson the filmmaker.

      We love intelligent debate.


      1. AA does not force people there…as you stated, the courts do. It is not up to AA to change that.
        Also, AA is highly Spiritual…very different from religious.
        But either way, my main point was that AA is not responsible for the pedophiles or sexual predators…these “sick people” live amongst us in every organization that we have. I did also say that I do not agree that they should be sent somewhere that they can get help for their problems.

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